Tomi Huhtanen
Executive Director
Peter Hefele
Policy Director
Dimitri Argento
Ionela Ciolan
Alessandro de Cicco
Cristiana Dias
George Dimakos
Eoin Drea
Stephanie Honorez
Katerina Jakimovska
Viktória Jančošeková
Eleftheria Katsi
Djamel Kitouni
Mihael Koščak
Theo Larue
Teona Lavrelashvili
Gëzim Lezha
Dimitar Lilkov
Margherita Movarelli
Vít Novotný
Ana Palčič
Sandra Pasarić
Sara Pini
Federico Ottavio Reho
Anna Rożniatowska-Fidos
Gabriele Scalise
Gavin Synnott
Panos Tasiopoulos
Join the team
The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, the official political think tank of the European People’s Party (EPP, the largest European-level political party of the centre-right), conducts activities on a wide range of policy-oriented, EU-related issues. The Martens Centre is an organisation that offers the unique opportunity to join an energetic team which lays the groundwork for the foundation’s ambitious plan of action.