Privacy policy

Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

Version 1.00

The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (hereinafter “WMCES”, “we” or “our”) is committed to protect your personal data. This document (the “Privacy policy”) is intended to inform you about the personal data that WMCES collects via its website and activities, to explain why we collect these data and how we deal with your data.

This Privacy policy can be modified, e.g. as a result of new functionalities or legal or regulatory changes. Any major changes will be announced on our website. We therefore advise you to regularly check our homepage. This version of the Privacy policy was last modified on 5 December 2018.

This privacy policy should be read together with the cookie policy of WMCES, which is available below.

Legal Information

Basic regulations regarding European political foundations

The activities of European political foundations fall under European regulations; these regulations refer to the legal framework, internal functioning and funding, as well as the financing, judicial control, transparency and accountability of European political foundations. To consult the two main regulations, please follow the link below:

In compliance with European regulations and pursuing the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies’ aim of transparency, the financial reports of previous years are open to public enquiry on the European Parliament website:

Organisational Statutes


The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies strives to keep the information on this website accurate and current, and we will make every effort to address errors as soon as possible. However, the content of this page is of a general nature, it can lack comprehensiveness, completeness and can be out of date.

This web page provides links to other websites over which our organisation has no control. Therefore, the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies does not accept responsibility for the information, advertisement or opinions expressed on these websites. The privacy policies on these websites can differ from our Centre’s privacy policy.

By using this website you accept that any actions taken based on the information of this website will not harm the Centre’s employees, authors and partners.

The European Parliament and the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies assume no responsibility for facts or opinions expressed in the publications and the blog posts published in this website. Sole responsibility lies on the authors of the publications and blog posts.